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4969 September 7th, 2023

PussPuss Beta (DISCONTINUED PLEASE USE NEWER VERSION) by PussPuss, MKHT, KTH, -BigSharkZ-, KingJigglypuff, King Draco, Mansta8, Ambipom, Giantfirering28, Yorch2296, waluis, StupidMarioFan1, russmarrs2, chimpchar775, angelsoftheabyss, Moblin, iwantgames, Firelis, Nezha B. Rose, jaystring, szion, TʘCK, windhunter7, Kapedani, Hyperlink, KorytheMaril, PyotrLuzhin, RedipsTheCooler, Xaturati0n, malistaticy, LnktheWolf, Sylv, Shy, MarioDox, JokerPTOH, BustedSoda, nnebf, JFyst, tyleto, Puzzled, PyroPM, SirGimmick, Chucklez, iammostwanted, Neroven, Moe, King Bob Gaming, Shranux, Kuusotare, bringobrongo, TEITO, Xenthos, eon_tas, Survivian, Pokemaster Ely, Electropolitan, NickirixXT/GoldenXP, VirtualBeef, Ubergruvin, Mosaico, KnockerKrazy, MyDudeman222, CallMeKaaze, AnothenBlue, radzo73, GRAND AZEL, Peperoncino, Atma, FWCrash, Adamsims, ZeroDepth, metanite64 with credit to Project + Development Team, Legacy XP, Remix, Cobalt Legacy, SJS, KingJigglyPuff for P+EX, Kapedani for his help with the Code Menu and the addition of Random Angle Mode and Balloon Stocks mode, and PyotrLuzhin for PMEX for without him, none of this would be possible. Special thanks to SSK for CSS Icon help and for disabling Kirby’s copy ability for me <3
[Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Misc, Portrait]

Final update: This build will never be updated. Sorry I’m leaving it in such a fucked state but here we are. Thanks for liking it for some reason.

Updated as of 3/25/2022: Holy macaroni it's been a minute! Hope ya'll have been enjoying your year so far. This update is mostly just to add 2 more characters, some stages, and a more polished build in general compared to the last version. I really do appreciate you guys downloading my silly build and hopefully having a fun time with it. Be sure to read the credits and give credit where credit is due to all the peeps who's work I added and loved playing with. Bababooie.

Updated as of 12/23/2021: Happy Holidays, bois! Have a surprise Version 2.5 update! Cloud and Silver have been added to the already extensive roster and I hope y'all have fun with them! Also included is a Mario Party stage slot along with a Sonic Unleashed stage slot and a multi-Capcom related stage slot as well. Last but not least, there is a Swimming Overhaul included which allows you to fight in the water on several water based stages (Keep in mind that some characters don't have swimming animations and as a result, will just bug out in the water). See ya next year! Bababooie.

Updated as of 11/28/2021: PussPuss Build version 2 is finally here! New characters like Isaac, Sans Undertale, Blaziken, and more await you. In addition, stages based on Paper Mario, Dr. Mario, Banjo and Kazooie, Under Night in Birth, Persona, as well the updated stage list from P+ 2.29 and stages made by MarioDox join the already substantial lineup! Also, code menu implementation for everyone in the roster and new special modes! Try out Random Angle Mode (who knows where your knockback will send you?!) and Balloon Stocks (Pop a balloon to gain a stock... or lose it?).

Original description: https://imgur.com/a/BeTix8x This is my Project+ EX Dolphin Build which is built off of HotWingFTW's EX build (which is linked in the full credits list if you want a more "base" version of this build to work off of). This features several character inclusions from LXP (RIP), Remix, CL, and solo releases like Dante, Nu, and Black Shadow. This can be used on Wii as well but you will see some downgraded textures as it was done to get the game to load in the first place so please do so as your own risk. Thank you so much for checking it or even just looking through the pictures. I hope you guys like it and I hope I've credited everyone appropriately. Proper credits and links to all the custom content will be in the download. Bababooie.

85 July 3rd, 2020

Charizard Libre by CallMeKaaze
[Character - Texture - Charizard]

Made for Rizzy's Charizard contest!

66 August 10th, 2019

SJS' Charizard Pose CSProject by CallMeKaaze
[Pack - Portrait]

SJS' Charizard Pose is ready for download!

93 August 5th, 2019

Melee Pose Ness CSProject by CallMeKaaze
[Pack - Portrait]

[CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO VIEW RENDERS] Melee Pose Ness finally here! Enjoy!

86 August 5th, 2019

Dynamic Samus CSProject by CallMeKaaze
[Pack - Portrait]

[CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO PREVIEW RENDERS] DISCLAIMER: Contains updated CSPs for Other M Samus! Dynamic Samus is now ready for download!

394 August 9th, 2019

Other M Samus Brawlified by CallMeKaaze, KorytheMaril, DDE (Dedede Editor) with credit to The Smash 3 Project for the Samus base, CSProject for the cosmetic creation tool
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Samus]


[CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO VIEW FULL RENDERS] Now you can play as Samus with her Other M design without getting irritated at the lack of consistency as she is now Brawlified! This comes with 12 extra recolours for Samus and 4 Gundam Samus costumes! Enjoy!

202 June 23rd, 2020

Beach Ness by CallMeKaaze with credit to RaitoEX for some assets used in the thumbnail, Marioplayer137 for the screenshots.
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Ness]

This was the first time I had to give somebody feet. This was pretty fun to make, I hope you guys enjoy!

206 May 28th, 2019

Baguetta Knight + Dynamic Pose for CSProject by CallMeKaaze with credit to Windhunter7 for helping with some rigging issues.
[Character - Import - Meta Knight]

[CLICK ON THE PREVIEW TO VIEW ALL RENDERS] Enjoy the Pastry Paladin, the Wheaty Warrior, the Glutenous Gent... Baguetta Knight! Enjoy. (Btw, this is my first attempt at model import.)

54 May 3rd, 2019

Lucas Dynamic Pose Pack by CallMeKaaze with credit to RaitoEX (for some assets used in the thumbnail)
[Pack - Misc, Portrait]

Here is Lucas with another CSP featuring Mr. Rope Snake!

75 April 27th, 2019

Ness Dynamic Pose Pack CSProject Cosmetics and Files by CallMeKaaze with credit to RaitoEX (for some assets used in the thumbnail)
[Pack - Misc, Portrait]

[CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO VIEW ALL RENDERS] Here is the second entry in my Dynamic Pose Pack series. Enjoy.

71 April 26th, 2019

Dynamic Pose Link CSProject Cosmetics and Files by CallMeKaaze with credit to Moe for the Fixed OoT Link (Download: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=216227)
[Pack - Portrait, Portrait]

Just wanted to make new cosmetics for Link, enjoy.

90 November 15th, 2018

Scare Me Kaaze by CallMeKaaze with credit to The Smash 3 team for their Smash 3 Ness. RaitoEX for the thumbnail template.
[Character - Texture - Ness]

UPDATE: Fixed Download Link

This entry is for the Custom Brawl Modding discord server's 2018 Halloween Contest. This costume is just based off of my Halloween alias Scare Me Kaaze's profile picture.

This costume comes with four versions, Brawl with face-paint, Smash 3 with face-paint, Brawl without face-paint, Smash 3 without face paint and it comes with matching cosmetics. It has vBrawl (only for the Brawl versions) cosmetics, Smash 3 (only for the Smash 3 versions) cosmetics and Legacy XP cosmetics (for all versions).

326 September 21st, 2018

Ultimate Ness by CallMeKaaze with credit to The Smash 3 Project for the Ness base, RaitoEX for the Thumbnail Template and ChucklesDemKnuckles for the SSBUltimate Logo Costume.
[Character - Texture - Ness]

Note: It comes with two poses! Ness is back and better than ever in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! If you can't wait, try playing with this Ultimate-like Ness! It has all of his SSB4 outfits and a new SSBU Logo Ness made by ChucklesDemKnuckles! (This is essentially Smash 3 Ness but with added stitches on the shorts and ribbing on the shirt.)

333 September 8th, 2018

All Might Captain Falcon by CallMeKaaze with credit to The Smash 3 project for the Captain Falcon base I used to create this costume, Mugen SSB for the textures I ported over from Smash 4 to Brawl/Project M & RaitoEX for the thumbnail template.
[Character - Texture - Captain Falcon]

PLUS ULTRA!!! All Might has lent his costume to Captain Falcon. Captain Falcon may not have One for All but he has the FALCON...SMASH!!! (This is a port of Mugen SSB's Smash 4 All Might Captain Falcon)

57 August 8th, 2018

Living Trophy Ness by CallMeKaaze with credit to RaitoEX for the Thumbnail Template
[Character - Texture - Ness]

Oh no! Ness? Is that you? What happened? What? You say you got turned into a trophy? That's right! This is Living Trophy Ness from the Subspace Emissary. (Trophy Stand not included but CSPs, BPs and Stock Icons are!)

285 July 14th, 2018

SSBUltimate Ivysaur by CallMeKaaze with credit to RaitoEX for the SSBUltimate Thumbnail Template The Smash 3 Project for their Ivysaur as a base. Cosmetics created from the Cosmetic Standardization Project by the Cosmetic Standardization Backroom.
[Character - Texture - Ivysaur]

Note: No recolors yet!

Ivysaur returns for SSBUltimate! Couldn't wait until December? Take this costume and have the gift of 2018 Ivysaur early!


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Original functionality by picano (Anthony Ianacone), original design and graphics by Jack Harvest.

Redesign by Vyse, new graphics by SJS.

KittyCorp: MeowMix © 2010