164 December 3rd, 2023
Legacy MX V0.1 by Daes, KingJigglypuff, SJS, Mortimer, BraveDragonWolf, jaystring, Sandfall, Ale64, Edwguard Flows, Sylv, Shy, MarioDox, nnebf, tyleto, Moe, SoN1c2001, Pokemaster Ely, NickirixXT/GoldenXP, VirtualBeef, Tatsuya with credit to The REMIX Team And MonteRicard
For The Brawlfied Textures[Pack - Misc]
227 April 1st, 2023
Zero Suit Fox PSA 2.0 by RedipsTheCooler, Eiji_Ar, JokerPTOH, SirGimmick, SoN1c2001, Pokemaster Ely with credit to Full Credits List in README.txt[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import, Moveset (PSA), Kirby Hat, Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character]
Here is the Zero Suit Fox PSA, updated to modern standards. Many advancements have been made ever since I posted the first version of the PSA, and now, taking advantage of those, I have finally completed the moveset in the way I initially envisioned it. And now, with the BrawlInstaller framework, adding her to your build is easier than ever before. Features 24 costumes, 2 hidden alts, two trophies, Classic/All-Star congratulations screens, cosmetics for all types of builds, and even an ending movie!
Note that if you try to add her to REMIX, her cosmetics may be out of order. This is an unfortunate limitation of the BrawlInstaller framework. You will also need to use the CSSSlot49_REMIX.dat in Bonus Files to give her the proper costume lineup, as REMIX does not have 50CC.
Note that if you try to add her to REMIX, her cosmetics may be out of order. This is an unfortunate limitation of the BrawlInstaller framework. You will also need to use the CSSSlot49_REMIX.dat in Bonus Files to give her the proper costume lineup, as REMIX does not have 50CC.
242 January 12th, 2023
Ultimate-ish Kazuya PSA v1.0 by Lillith, Pokemaster Ely with credit to catscatscats99 for the article/projectile stuff, KJP for fixing down special and... a few other things I forget. GoldenXP, TohkaNightmare, Atma for animation help, Devils for the initial model stuff.[Character - Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character]
Usual alt .zip
Intended for use with BrawlEx, based off of Mario so if you do use BrawlEx, use his configs and module.
Just a PM version this time, might do a vBrawl version later?
Kazuya Soundbank ID is 0x000001D2
Necessary codes~
(If using Project+ the following Hitlag code likely is not necessary)
[Project+] Customizable Attacker Hitlag Modifier [DukeItOut]
* C283FFBC 0000000E
* 80630060 80C30070
* 80C60024 80C6000C
* 80A60028 3D804849
* 618C5421 7C056000
* 41820048 3D804849
* 618C5478 7C056000
* 4182001C 3D806869
* 618C743A 7C056000
* 40A2002C 80860030
* 48000018 80A60030
* 7C8429D6 38A00000
* 60A5EA60 7C842BD6
* 7C040000 40800008
* 38800000 00000000
* 3D40808E 614A537C
* 4BFFFF08 00000000
Independent Subroutines [Mawootad]
* C277CFB4 00000021
* 2C000005 41A00014
* 2C000007 41820014
* 41810008 3803FFFB
* 2C000003 480000E8
* 3B600000 7FC3F378
* 38000000 7FC3F378
* 90010080 38810080
* 98010084 7F65DB78
* 819E0000 818C0020
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 2C030000 41820020
* 88810084 28040001
* 41820014 80610080
* 80030000 2C000000
* 41A2000C 38600001
* 4800007C 2C1B0001
* 41820010 3B7B0001
* 83830004 4BFFFF98
* 83630004 807D0020
* 7C7D1B78 81830000
* 818C0018 7D8903A6
* 4E800421 7C7F1B78
* 3BC00000 48000034
* 819D0010 387D0010
* 7FC4F378 818C0010
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 80030008 7C1C0000
* 40A2000C B363000C
* 48000010 3BDE0001
* 7C1EF800 4180FFCC
* 38600001 3D808078
* 398CD56C 7D8903A6
* 4E800420 00000000
* C277d098 00000006
* 7C1F0378 819E0000
* 7FC3F378 818C0010
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 2C030005 41A0000C
* 57E006F7 48000008
* 57E0077B 00000000
* C277d0cc 00000003
* 7C600774 2C000005
* 41A00008 3803FFFB
* 2C000000 00000000
* 0477cf8c 2C000008
* C278250c 00000019
* 28040060 40A200B8
* 7F63DB78 38800000
* 3D808078 398C22E0
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 80030000 2C000000
* 41A2000C 38600001
* 4800007C 83A30004
* 807C00D8 8063006C
* 80630020 7C7B1B78
* 81830000 818C0018
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 7C7F1B78 3BC00000
* 48000040 819B0010
* 387B0010 7FC4F378
* 818C0010 7D8903A6
* 4E800421 80030008
* 7C1D0000 40A20018
* 80630000 8063000C
* 7C600034 5403D97E
* 48000014 3BDE0001
* 7C1EF800 4180FFC0
* 38600001 3D808078
* 398C54B4 7D8903A6
* 4E800420 2804004C
* 60000000 00000000
Grabboxes work out of any action [Eon]
* 0483D250 60000000
* 0483D25C 60000000
(Aaaand obligatory stuff)
[Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut]
* 0484CB40 60000000
[Project+] SoundBank Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) (Kirby-cide fix + Voice clips volume fix + CSS Hiccup Fix + Mr. Resetti fix) v1.2 [codes, DukeItOut, JOJI]
* C21C7A00 00000006
* 3C80901A 60843090
* 3C000000 6000C0DE
* 90040000 80030000
* 281D0144 41800010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* 4A000000 90000000
* 161A3040 00000048
* 01B872A0 0000B720
* 01B57540 000CC1A0
* 01000000 000E3C94
* 00000002 01000000
* 000E3CA8 01000000
* 000E3CC0 00004321
* 00003460 00000000
* 00003460 000082C0
* 00100000 00001234
* 161A3100 00000048
* 000041C3 00006000
* 00000002 01000000
* 00084090 2E400300
* 01030000 00084080
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000001 40000000
* 00000000 00000005
* 01800000 00000000
* 161A3150 00000048
* 00004194 00007000
* 00000002 01000000
* 00042CD8 3E400300
* 01030000 00042CC8
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000025
* 00000001 40000000
* 00000000 00000005
* 01800000 00000000
* 161A30A0 00000028
* 00003460 00053A80
* FFFFFFFF 00000000
* 00000000 01000000
* 000CFE0C 00000001
* 01000000 000CFE18
* 161A30D0 00000028
* 000082C0 00078340
* FFFFFFFF 00000000
* 00000000 01000000
* 000D4FDC 00000001
* 01000000 000D4FE8
* E0000000 80008000
* C21C78EC 00000007
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820018
* 2C000002 41820010
* 281E0144 41800008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21C7BD8 00000007
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80630000 40820018
* 2C030002 41820010
* 281D0144 41800008
* 38600245 00000000
* C21C9784 00000006
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21C98D0 00000006
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21CA2F8 00000006
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21CA420 00000006
* 7D004378 3D00901A
* 61083090 81080000
* 2808C0DE 7C080378
* 80080000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21CA474 00000006
* 7D004378 3D00901A
* 61083090 81080000
* 2808C0DE 7C080378
* 80080000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21C836C 00000004
* 7D8903A6 281A0144
* 41800014 3C809043
* 60842134 38BA0007
* 90A40000 00000000
* C21C7900 00000003
* 57C01838 281E0144
* 4180000C 38000144
* 54001838 00000000
* C21CA314 00000003
* 80030004 281D0144
* 41800008 38000000
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C8374 00000008
* 2C1A0144 41800030
* 3DC09043 61CE2134
* 3DE0901A 61EF3200
* 3A7AFEBC 1E730008
* 7DF37A14 826E004C
* 926F0000 826E0060
* 926F0004 2C030000
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C7AB4 00000006
* 8003000C 281D0144
* 41800024 281E0000
* 4182001C 3BBDFEBC
* 1FBD0008 3F80901A
* 639C3200 7F9CEA14
* 801C0004 00000000
* C21C7ABC 00000006
* 80030010 281D0144
* 41800024 281E0001
* 4182001C 3BBDFEBC
* 1FBD0008 3F80901A
* 639C3200 7F9CEA14
* 801C0000 00000000
* C21C7A14 00000005
* 57A01838 281D0144
* 4180001C 38000144
* 54001838 3CA09043
* 60A52134 389D0007
* 90850000 00000000
* C21C7C2C 00000013
* 80030000 281F4000
* 4180008C 281FFFFF
* 41A10084 9421FFF0
* 91C10004 91E10008
* 9201000C 39C00144
* 39E040A5 7C1F7840
* 41800010 39CE0001
* 39EF00A5 4BFFFFF0
* 3C80901A 608430F8
* 91C40000 39C0402F
* 39E040A5 3A000000
* 7C1F7040 4180001C
* 3A000001 7C1F7840
* 41800010 39CE00A5
* 39EF00A5 4BFFFFE0
* 92040004 380000E5
* 5400403E 81C10004
* 81E10008 8201000C
* 80210000 00000000
* C21C7C4C 00000003
* 57E01838 281F4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C74EC 00000003
* 80030000 281E4000
* 4180000C 380000E5
* 5400403E 00000000
* C21C750C 00000003
* 57C01838 281E4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C7570 00000003
* 281E4000 4180000C
* 3C60901A 6063313C
* 80030000 00000000
* C21C73CC 00000014
* 3C80901A 60843090
* 80040000 2800C0DE
* 40820058 3C80901A
* 60843040 3D009043
* 61082144 80040000
* 28004321 41820014
* 90080000 38840004
* 39080004 4BFFFFE8
* 80040004 90080008
* 80040008 90080014
* 8004000C 9008001C
* 80040010 90080020
* 80040014 90080028
* 281E26F9 41800018
* 3C80901A 60843090
* 3C000000 6000C0DE
* 90040000 80030000
* 281E4000 4180000C
* 380000E5 5400403E
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C73EC 00000003
* 57C01838 281E4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C742C 00000008
* 80830004 281E4000
* 41800030 281EE500
* 40800028 3C60901A
* 60633100 8083FFFC
* 8003FFF8 28040000
* 40820008 38630050
* 80830004 7C840214
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C72D0 00000003
* 80030000 281F4000
* 4180000C 380000E5
* 5400403E 00000000
* C21C72F0 00000003
* 57E01838 281F4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C7318 00000003
* 281F4000 4180000C
* 3C60901A 60633100
* 88030016 00000000
* C21C8050 00000003
* 80030000 281F4000
* 4180000C 380000E5
* 5400403E 00000000
* C21C8074 00000003
* 57E01838 281F4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C80A8 00000004
* 281F4000 41800014
* 281FE500 4080000C
* 3C60901A 60633100
* 80830018 00000000
* C21C7CF4 00000004
* 281EE500 40800014
* 281E6000 4180000C
* 3C000001 48000008
* 80030000 00000000
* C21C7D08 00000006
* 281E6000 41800020
* 38800275 54801838
* 281E7000 41800014
* 38800105 54801838
* 48000008 57C01838
* 7FDFF378 00000000
* C21C7D34 00000005
* 281F6000 4180001C
* 3C60901A 606330D0
* 281F7000 41800008
* 3863FFD0 7C7E1B78
* 88630014 00000000
* C21C7DF8 00000003
* 281D6000 4180000C
* 3C000001 48000008
* 80030000 00000000
* C21C7E0C 00000006
* 281D6000 41800020
* 38800275 54801838
* 281D7000 41800014
* 38800105 54801838
* 48000008 57A01838
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C7E38 00000005
* 281D6000 4180001C
* 3C60901A 606330D0
* 281D7000 41800008
* 3863FFD0 7C641B78
* 88630014 00000000
* C21C7E94 00000007
* 80030000 281D6000
* 4180002C 3C60901A
* 606330F8 80030000
* 389DA000 281D7000
* 41800008 389D9000
* 7C040040 41820008
* 7C802378 00000000
* C21C7E9C 00000004
* 80030004 281D6000
* 41800008 38000001
* 281D7000 41800008
* 38000000 00000000
* C21C76E4 0000000E
* 80830000 281D4000
* 41800060 9421FFF0
* 91C10004 91E10008
* 9201000C 39C04000
* 39E0402F 3A0040A5
* 7C1D8040 4080001C
* 7C8FE850 7C1D7840
* 40800020 7C8EE850
* 7C1D7040 40800014
* 39CE00A5 39EF00A5
* 3A1000A5 4BFFFFD4
* 81C10004 81E10008
* 8201000C 80210000
* 60000000 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
Hitbox Sound Effect Change System v1.1 (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]
* E0000000 80008000
* C21398E4 00000007
* A0040000 2800C0DE
* 40820024 3C60901A
* 60632F00 80840004
* A0840006 90830000
* 38000001 90030004
* 48000008 38000001
* 60000000 00000000
* C274BAC8 00000007
* 3C60901A 60632F00
* 80030004 28000001
* 4082001C 3C805DAF
* 80030000 7C840214
* 38000000 90030004
* 48000008 50A4DA10
* 60000000 00000000
* C2761600 00000009
* 5406001E 54C6803E
* 28065DA7 40820018
* 5404043E 3CC08076
* 60C61618 7CC903A6
* 4E800420 28065DBF
* 40820018 5404043E
* 3CC08076 60C61618
* 7CC903A6 4E800420
* 3CC080AD 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
Expanded Soundbank Characters Have Muted Voices When Metal [codes]
* C28611DC 00000009
* 2C044000 41A00038
* 7C8C2378 398CC000
* 380000A5 7FEC03D6
* 7FE0F9D6 7D9F6010
* 2C0C002E 41810014
* 2C0C0011 4182000C
* 38600001 48000008
* 38600000 80010014
* 60000
Intended for use with BrawlEx, based off of Mario so if you do use BrawlEx, use his configs and module.
Just a PM version this time, might do a vBrawl version later?
Kazuya Soundbank ID is 0x000001D2
Necessary codes~
(If using Project+ the following Hitlag code likely is not necessary)
[Project+] Customizable Attacker Hitlag Modifier [DukeItOut]
* C283FFBC 0000000E
* 80630060 80C30070
* 80C60024 80C6000C
* 80A60028 3D804849
* 618C5421 7C056000
* 41820048 3D804849
* 618C5478 7C056000
* 4182001C 3D806869
* 618C743A 7C056000
* 40A2002C 80860030
* 48000018 80A60030
* 7C8429D6 38A00000
* 60A5EA60 7C842BD6
* 7C040000 40800008
* 38800000 00000000
* 3D40808E 614A537C
* 4BFFFF08 00000000
Independent Subroutines [Mawootad]
* C277CFB4 00000021
* 2C000005 41A00014
* 2C000007 41820014
* 41810008 3803FFFB
* 2C000003 480000E8
* 3B600000 7FC3F378
* 38000000 7FC3F378
* 90010080 38810080
* 98010084 7F65DB78
* 819E0000 818C0020
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 2C030000 41820020
* 88810084 28040001
* 41820014 80610080
* 80030000 2C000000
* 41A2000C 38600001
* 4800007C 2C1B0001
* 41820010 3B7B0001
* 83830004 4BFFFF98
* 83630004 807D0020
* 7C7D1B78 81830000
* 818C0018 7D8903A6
* 4E800421 7C7F1B78
* 3BC00000 48000034
* 819D0010 387D0010
* 7FC4F378 818C0010
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 80030008 7C1C0000
* 40A2000C B363000C
* 48000010 3BDE0001
* 7C1EF800 4180FFCC
* 38600001 3D808078
* 398CD56C 7D8903A6
* 4E800420 00000000
* C277d098 00000006
* 7C1F0378 819E0000
* 7FC3F378 818C0010
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 2C030005 41A0000C
* 57E006F7 48000008
* 57E0077B 00000000
* C277d0cc 00000003
* 7C600774 2C000005
* 41A00008 3803FFFB
* 2C000000 00000000
* 0477cf8c 2C000008
* C278250c 00000019
* 28040060 40A200B8
* 7F63DB78 38800000
* 3D808078 398C22E0
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 80030000 2C000000
* 41A2000C 38600001
* 4800007C 83A30004
* 807C00D8 8063006C
* 80630020 7C7B1B78
* 81830000 818C0018
* 7D8903A6 4E800421
* 7C7F1B78 3BC00000
* 48000040 819B0010
* 387B0010 7FC4F378
* 818C0010 7D8903A6
* 4E800421 80030008
* 7C1D0000 40A20018
* 80630000 8063000C
* 7C600034 5403D97E
* 48000014 3BDE0001
* 7C1EF800 4180FFC0
* 38600001 3D808078
* 398C54B4 7D8903A6
* 4E800420 2804004C
* 60000000 00000000
Grabboxes work out of any action [Eon]
* 0483D250 60000000
* 0483D25C 60000000
(Aaaand obligatory stuff)
[Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut]
* 0484CB40 60000000
[Project+] SoundBank Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) (Kirby-cide fix + Voice clips volume fix + CSS Hiccup Fix + Mr. Resetti fix) v1.2 [codes, DukeItOut, JOJI]
* C21C7A00 00000006
* 3C80901A 60843090
* 3C000000 6000C0DE
* 90040000 80030000
* 281D0144 41800010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* 4A000000 90000000
* 161A3040 00000048
* 01B872A0 0000B720
* 01B57540 000CC1A0
* 01000000 000E3C94
* 00000002 01000000
* 000E3CA8 01000000
* 000E3CC0 00004321
* 00003460 00000000
* 00003460 000082C0
* 00100000 00001234
* 161A3100 00000048
* 000041C3 00006000
* 00000002 01000000
* 00084090 2E400300
* 01030000 00084080
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000001 40000000
* 00000000 00000005
* 01800000 00000000
* 161A3150 00000048
* 00004194 00007000
* 00000002 01000000
* 00042CD8 3E400300
* 01030000 00042CC8
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000025
* 00000001 40000000
* 00000000 00000005
* 01800000 00000000
* 161A30A0 00000028
* 00003460 00053A80
* FFFFFFFF 00000000
* 00000000 01000000
* 000CFE0C 00000001
* 01000000 000CFE18
* 161A30D0 00000028
* 000082C0 00078340
* FFFFFFFF 00000000
* 00000000 01000000
* 000D4FDC 00000001
* 01000000 000D4FE8
* E0000000 80008000
* C21C78EC 00000007
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820018
* 2C000002 41820010
* 281E0144 41800008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21C7BD8 00000007
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80630000 40820018
* 2C030002 41820010
* 281D0144 41800008
* 38600245 00000000
* C21C9784 00000006
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21C98D0 00000006
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21CA2F8 00000006
* 7C601B78 3C60901A
* 60633090 80630000
* 2803C0DE 7C030378
* 80030000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21CA420 00000006
* 7D004378 3D00901A
* 61083090 81080000
* 2808C0DE 7C080378
* 80080000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21CA474 00000006
* 7D004378 3D00901A
* 61083090 81080000
* 2808C0DE 7C080378
* 80080000 40820010
* 2C000002 41820008
* 38000244 00000000
* C21C836C 00000004
* 7D8903A6 281A0144
* 41800014 3C809043
* 60842134 38BA0007
* 90A40000 00000000
* C21C7900 00000003
* 57C01838 281E0144
* 4180000C 38000144
* 54001838 00000000
* C21CA314 00000003
* 80030004 281D0144
* 41800008 38000000
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C8374 00000008
* 2C1A0144 41800030
* 3DC09043 61CE2134
* 3DE0901A 61EF3200
* 3A7AFEBC 1E730008
* 7DF37A14 826E004C
* 926F0000 826E0060
* 926F0004 2C030000
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C7AB4 00000006
* 8003000C 281D0144
* 41800024 281E0000
* 4182001C 3BBDFEBC
* 1FBD0008 3F80901A
* 639C3200 7F9CEA14
* 801C0004 00000000
* C21C7ABC 00000006
* 80030010 281D0144
* 41800024 281E0001
* 4182001C 3BBDFEBC
* 1FBD0008 3F80901A
* 639C3200 7F9CEA14
* 801C0000 00000000
* C21C7A14 00000005
* 57A01838 281D0144
* 4180001C 38000144
* 54001838 3CA09043
* 60A52134 389D0007
* 90850000 00000000
* C21C7C2C 00000013
* 80030000 281F4000
* 4180008C 281FFFFF
* 41A10084 9421FFF0
* 91C10004 91E10008
* 9201000C 39C00144
* 39E040A5 7C1F7840
* 41800010 39CE0001
* 39EF00A5 4BFFFFF0
* 3C80901A 608430F8
* 91C40000 39C0402F
* 39E040A5 3A000000
* 7C1F7040 4180001C
* 3A000001 7C1F7840
* 41800010 39CE00A5
* 39EF00A5 4BFFFFE0
* 92040004 380000E5
* 5400403E 81C10004
* 81E10008 8201000C
* 80210000 00000000
* C21C7C4C 00000003
* 57E01838 281F4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C74EC 00000003
* 80030000 281E4000
* 4180000C 380000E5
* 5400403E 00000000
* C21C750C 00000003
* 57C01838 281E4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C7570 00000003
* 281E4000 4180000C
* 3C60901A 6063313C
* 80030000 00000000
* C21C73CC 00000014
* 3C80901A 60843090
* 80040000 2800C0DE
* 40820058 3C80901A
* 60843040 3D009043
* 61082144 80040000
* 28004321 41820014
* 90080000 38840004
* 39080004 4BFFFFE8
* 80040004 90080008
* 80040008 90080014
* 8004000C 9008001C
* 80040010 90080020
* 80040014 90080028
* 281E26F9 41800018
* 3C80901A 60843090
* 3C000000 6000C0DE
* 90040000 80030000
* 281E4000 4180000C
* 380000E5 5400403E
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C73EC 00000003
* 57C01838 281E4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C742C 00000008
* 80830004 281E4000
* 41800030 281EE500
* 40800028 3C60901A
* 60633100 8083FFFC
* 8003FFF8 28040000
* 40820008 38630050
* 80830004 7C840214
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C72D0 00000003
* 80030000 281F4000
* 4180000C 380000E5
* 5400403E 00000000
* C21C72F0 00000003
* 57E01838 281F4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C7318 00000003
* 281F4000 4180000C
* 3C60901A 60633100
* 88030016 00000000
* C21C8050 00000003
* 80030000 281F4000
* 4180000C 380000E5
* 5400403E 00000000
* C21C8074 00000003
* 57E01838 281F4000
* 4180000C 3880270F
* 54801838 00000000
* C21C80A8 00000004
* 281F4000 41800014
* 281FE500 4080000C
* 3C60901A 60633100
* 80830018 00000000
* C21C7CF4 00000004
* 281EE500 40800014
* 281E6000 4180000C
* 3C000001 48000008
* 80030000 00000000
* C21C7D08 00000006
* 281E6000 41800020
* 38800275 54801838
* 281E7000 41800014
* 38800105 54801838
* 48000008 57C01838
* 7FDFF378 00000000
* C21C7D34 00000005
* 281F6000 4180001C
* 3C60901A 606330D0
* 281F7000 41800008
* 3863FFD0 7C7E1B78
* 88630014 00000000
* C21C7DF8 00000003
* 281D6000 4180000C
* 3C000001 48000008
* 80030000 00000000
* C21C7E0C 00000006
* 281D6000 41800020
* 38800275 54801838
* 281D7000 41800014
* 38800105 54801838
* 48000008 57A01838
* 60000000 00000000
* C21C7E38 00000005
* 281D6000 4180001C
* 3C60901A 606330D0
* 281D7000 41800008
* 3863FFD0 7C641B78
* 88630014 00000000
* C21C7E94 00000007
* 80030000 281D6000
* 4180002C 3C60901A
* 606330F8 80030000
* 389DA000 281D7000
* 41800008 389D9000
* 7C040040 41820008
* 7C802378 00000000
* C21C7E9C 00000004
* 80030004 281D6000
* 41800008 38000001
* 281D7000 41800008
* 38000000 00000000
* C21C76E4 0000000E
* 80830000 281D4000
* 41800060 9421FFF0
* 91C10004 91E10008
* 9201000C 39C04000
* 39E0402F 3A0040A5
* 7C1D8040 4080001C
* 7C8FE850 7C1D7840
* 40800020 7C8EE850
* 7C1D7040 40800014
* 39CE00A5 39EF00A5
* 3A1000A5 4BFFFFD4
* 81C10004 81E10008
* 8201000C 80210000
* 60000000 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
Hitbox Sound Effect Change System v1.1 (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]
* E0000000 80008000
* C21398E4 00000007
* A0040000 2800C0DE
* 40820024 3C60901A
* 60632F00 80840004
* A0840006 90830000
* 38000001 90030004
* 48000008 38000001
* 60000000 00000000
* C274BAC8 00000007
* 3C60901A 60632F00
* 80030004 28000001
* 4082001C 3C805DAF
* 80030000 7C840214
* 38000000 90030004
* 48000008 50A4DA10
* 60000000 00000000
* C2761600 00000009
* 5406001E 54C6803E
* 28065DA7 40820018
* 5404043E 3CC08076
* 60C61618 7CC903A6
* 4E800420 28065DBF
* 40820018 5404043E
* 3CC08076 60C61618
* 7CC903A6 4E800420
* 3CC080AD 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
Expanded Soundbank Characters Have Muted Voices When Metal [codes]
* C28611DC 00000009
* 2C044000 41A00038
* 7C8C2378 398CC000
* 380000A5 7FEC03D6
* 7FE0F9D6 7D9F6010
* 2C0C002E 41810014
* 2C0C0011 4182000C
* 38600001 48000008
* 38600000 80010014
* 60000
219 February 5th, 2023
Joker for BrawlInstaller by squidgy617, angelsoftheabyss, Roadhog360, Lawliet, Pokemaster Ely, VirtualBeef, Mosaico with credit to the REMIX dev team for modifications made to the original Joker, Random Talking Bush for the franchise icon rip[Pack - Character, SFX, Portrait]
UPDATED 02/05/2023: Added all missing vBrawl cosmetics.
UPDATED 10/25/2022: Updated Shujin outfits so Arsene would not appear buggy while using them.
This is a BrawlInstaller-compatible character package of PMEX REMIX's version of Joker backported from Smash Bros. Ultimate. Using BrawlInstaller, this character can be installed in just a few clicks. Read more on BrawlInstaller here: https://github.com/squidgy617/BrawlInstallerPlugins
This character comes with all cosmetics needed for most P+, vBrawl, and PM-style builds. It lacks classic intro and ending files and a trophy, but will function without them.
Full installation instructions are included in the README file.
Full credit to the actual mod creators who did most of the work. I just packaged it in format compatible with BrawlInstaller.
UPDATED 10/25/2022: Updated Shujin outfits so Arsene would not appear buggy while using them.
This is a BrawlInstaller-compatible character package of PMEX REMIX's version of Joker backported from Smash Bros. Ultimate. Using BrawlInstaller, this character can be installed in just a few clicks. Read more on BrawlInstaller here: https://github.com/squidgy617/BrawlInstallerPlugins
This character comes with all cosmetics needed for most P+, vBrawl, and PM-style builds. It lacks classic intro and ending files and a trophy, but will function without them.
Full installation instructions are included in the README file.
Full credit to the actual mod creators who did most of the work. I just packaged it in format compatible with BrawlInstaller.
4937 September 7th, 2023
PussPuss Beta (DISCONTINUED PLEASE USE NEWER VERSION) by PussPuss, MKHT, KTH, -BigSharkZ-, KingJigglypuff, King Draco, Mansta8, Ambipom, Giantfirering28, Yorch2296, waluis, StupidMarioFan1, russmarrs2, chimpchar775, angelsoftheabyss, Moblin, iwantgames, Firelis, Nezha B. Rose, jaystring, szion, TʘCK, windhunter7, Kapedani, Hyperlink, KorytheMaril, PyotrLuzhin, RedipsTheCooler, Xaturati0n, malistaticy, LnktheWolf, Sylv, Shy, MarioDox, JokerPTOH, BustedSoda, nnebf, JFyst, tyleto, Puzzled, PyroPM, SirGimmick, Chucklez, iammostwanted, Neroven, Moe, King Bob Gaming, Shranux, Kuusotare, bringobrongo, TEITO, Xenthos, eon_tas, Survivian, Pokemaster Ely, Electropolitan, NickirixXT/GoldenXP, VirtualBeef, Ubergruvin, Mosaico, KnockerKrazy, MyDudeman222, CallMeKaaze, AnothenBlue, radzo73, GRAND AZEL, Peperoncino, Atma, FWCrash, Adamsims, ZeroDepth, metanite64 with credit to Project + Development Team, Legacy XP, Remix, Cobalt Legacy, SJS, KingJigglyPuff for P+EX, Kapedani for his help with the Code Menu and the addition of Random Angle Mode and Balloon Stocks mode, and PyotrLuzhin for PMEX for without him, none of this would be possible. Special thanks to SSK for CSS Icon help and for disabling Kirby’s copy ability for me <3[Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Misc, Portrait]
Final update: This build will never be updated. Sorry I’m leaving it in such a fucked state but here we are. Thanks for liking it for some reason.
Updated as of 3/25/2022: Holy macaroni it's been a minute! Hope ya'll have been enjoying your year so far. This update is mostly just to add 2 more characters, some stages, and a more polished build in general compared to the last version. I really do appreciate you guys downloading my silly build and hopefully having a fun time with it. Be sure to read the credits and give credit where credit is due to all the peeps who's work I added and loved playing with. Bababooie.
Updated as of 12/23/2021: Happy Holidays, bois! Have a surprise Version 2.5 update! Cloud and Silver have been added to the already extensive roster and I hope y'all have fun with them! Also included is a Mario Party stage slot along with a Sonic Unleashed stage slot and a multi-Capcom related stage slot as well. Last but not least, there is a Swimming Overhaul included which allows you to fight in the water on several water based stages (Keep in mind that some characters don't have swimming animations and as a result, will just bug out in the water). See ya next year! Bababooie.
Updated as of 11/28/2021: PussPuss Build version 2 is finally here! New characters like Isaac, Sans Undertale, Blaziken, and more await you. In addition, stages based on Paper Mario, Dr. Mario, Banjo and Kazooie, Under Night in Birth, Persona, as well the updated stage list from P+ 2.29 and stages made by MarioDox join the already substantial lineup! Also, code menu implementation for everyone in the roster and new special modes! Try out Random Angle Mode (who knows where your knockback will send you?!) and Balloon Stocks (Pop a balloon to gain a stock... or lose it?).
Original description: https://imgur.com/a/BeTix8x This is my Project+ EX Dolphin Build which is built off of HotWingFTW's EX build (which is linked in the full credits list if you want a more "base" version of this build to work off of). This features several character inclusions from LXP (RIP), Remix, CL, and solo releases like Dante, Nu, and Black Shadow. This can be used on Wii as well but you will see some downgraded textures as it was done to get the game to load in the first place so please do so as your own risk. Thank you so much for checking it or even just looking through the pictures. I hope you guys like it and I hope I've credited everyone appropriately. Proper credits and links to all the custom content will be in the download. Bababooie.
Updated as of 3/25/2022: Holy macaroni it's been a minute! Hope ya'll have been enjoying your year so far. This update is mostly just to add 2 more characters, some stages, and a more polished build in general compared to the last version. I really do appreciate you guys downloading my silly build and hopefully having a fun time with it. Be sure to read the credits and give credit where credit is due to all the peeps who's work I added and loved playing with. Bababooie.
Updated as of 12/23/2021: Happy Holidays, bois! Have a surprise Version 2.5 update! Cloud and Silver have been added to the already extensive roster and I hope y'all have fun with them! Also included is a Mario Party stage slot along with a Sonic Unleashed stage slot and a multi-Capcom related stage slot as well. Last but not least, there is a Swimming Overhaul included which allows you to fight in the water on several water based stages (Keep in mind that some characters don't have swimming animations and as a result, will just bug out in the water). See ya next year! Bababooie.
Updated as of 11/28/2021: PussPuss Build version 2 is finally here! New characters like Isaac, Sans Undertale, Blaziken, and more await you. In addition, stages based on Paper Mario, Dr. Mario, Banjo and Kazooie, Under Night in Birth, Persona, as well the updated stage list from P+ 2.29 and stages made by MarioDox join the already substantial lineup! Also, code menu implementation for everyone in the roster and new special modes! Try out Random Angle Mode (who knows where your knockback will send you?!) and Balloon Stocks (Pop a balloon to gain a stock... or lose it?).
Original description: https://imgur.com/a/BeTix8x This is my Project+ EX Dolphin Build which is built off of HotWingFTW's EX build (which is linked in the full credits list if you want a more "base" version of this build to work off of). This features several character inclusions from LXP (RIP), Remix, CL, and solo releases like Dante, Nu, and Black Shadow. This can be used on Wii as well but you will see some downgraded textures as it was done to get the game to load in the first place so please do so as your own risk. Thank you so much for checking it or even just looking through the pictures. I hope you guys like it and I hope I've credited everyone appropriately. Proper credits and links to all the custom content will be in the download. Bababooie.
504 October 29th, 2021
Wii Fit Trainer for P+EX by RedipsTheCooler, KingJigglypuff, angelsoftheabyss, King Bob Gaming, Pokemaster Ely with credit to Afshin, Happymilla[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.), Kirby Hat - Custom Character]
Wii Fit Trainer has been updated to fit within P+EX! Includes the following:
-11 default costumes and 5 alternate costumes, with 3 alt sets for team battles
-Kirby Hat
-PSA tweaks
-updated cosmetics
-miscellaneous bugfixes
Please use the included module. This PSA has expanded subactions, meaning that the module had to be edited to account for this.
-11 default costumes and 5 alternate costumes, with 3 alt sets for team battles
-Kirby Hat
-PSA tweaks
-updated cosmetics
-miscellaneous bugfixes
Please use the included module. This PSA has expanded subactions, meaning that the module had to be edited to account for this.
554 August 27th, 2021
Byleth Revamp by Atma, Pokemaster Ely with credit to VirtualBeef,KingJigglypuff,Lillith and many more in the Readme[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import, Moveset (PSA) - Custom Character]
Edit 8/26/2021: this is not made for P+, if you want it to work in there then edit it yourself
The skillful teacher of Garreg Mach Monastery refines his tactics to join the battle once more! I've had this in the works ever since Kitsu released her backport of Byleth as this is an improvement on many things that held that first release back for me.
- A brand new Up Special! Now you can safety return to that ledge by warping, no more unreliable tethers
- Improved Attributes to better fit PM's Style
- New Cosmetics by VirtualBeef including 10 Recolors for both Male and Female
- A mysterious new voice actor for Male Byleth?
The skillful teacher of Garreg Mach Monastery refines his tactics to join the battle once more! I've had this in the works ever since Kitsu released her backport of Byleth as this is an improvement on many things that held that first release back for me.
- A brand new Up Special! Now you can safety return to that ledge by warping, no more unreliable tethers
- Improved Attributes to better fit PM's Style
- New Cosmetics by VirtualBeef including 10 Recolors for both Male and Female
- A mysterious new voice actor for Male Byleth?
26 July 6th, 2020
Kamoshidaman by Pokemaster Ely with credit to TheBen[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Ganondorf]
163 July 1st, 2020
Female Corrin Uncensored with Ganglari by Pokemaster Ely with credit to Lillith, PureHatredDictator, MrTacos432, Bird of Light, soulphraser, Hyper, PMEX Remix team[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character]
736 May 8th, 2020
Smash Ultimate Bowser Backport by Endersheep12345, Pokemaster Ely, TheFoxGamer073 with credit to Lillith, StupidMarioFan1, MoeNDerrty, ALM PMEX dev team, GRAND AZEL for animations, King Bob Gaming for model, perhaps for Backporter Tool, IkaMusumeYiyaRoxie for SFX, Riccoe for Wii testing[Character - Import, Moveset (PSA) - Bowser]
Smash 4/Ultimate Bowser is much more better than Brawl/Melee, much better animations and overall attacks. Therefore I decided to backport him. All main moves (besides some misc animations) such as side smash, N air etc are ported. More info in the .txt files.
This is my first ever backport, therefore stuff isn't perfect.
If anything is missing, or doesn't work as intended, feel free to ask.
This is my first ever backport, therefore stuff isn't perfect.
If anything is missing, or doesn't work as intended, feel free to ask.
90 April 9th, 2020
Joker - Joaquin Phoenix Joker recolor by Pokemaster Ely with credit to VirtualBeef, CSProject, Lawliet, Caliburtek, Roadhog360, Char, Kuusotare for screenshots[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Custom Character]
1884 January 2nd, 2020
Joker (Persona 5) Ultimate Backport Beta by Lawliet, angelsoftheabyss, Roadhog360, Pokemaster Ely with credit to Char and Ely on Discord for Wii testing[Character - Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character]
UPDATE - Forgot the PM module and proper SFX/Fighter configs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnikucxsumgtj4z/fixed%20stuffs.rar?dl=0
Welp, looks like Yu Narukami finally has a worthy opponent! Joker from Persona 5 is raring to go! What a way to end the decade!
This is a beta at the moment, so expect some future updates/additions to smoothen everything out.
As for his main moveset, there were a few things I changed to differentiate him from Ultimate, mainly the way Arsene works. Now Joker has a new-ish system called SP, and it works just about the same as his original meter. More info in the .txt files.
This is mainly intended for BrawlEx usage, and comes with a PM and VBrawl version.
If anything is missing, or doesn't work as intended, feel free to ask.
UPDATE - Forgot the PM module and proper SFX/Fighter configs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnikucxsumgtj4z/fixed%20stuffs.rar?dl=0
Welp, looks like Yu Narukami finally has a worthy opponent! Joker from Persona 5 is raring to go! What a way to end the decade!
This is a beta at the moment, so expect some future updates/additions to smoothen everything out.
As for his main moveset, there were a few things I changed to differentiate him from Ultimate, mainly the way Arsene works. Now Joker has a new-ish system called SP, and it works just about the same as his original meter. More info in the .txt files.
This is mainly intended for BrawlEx usage, and comes with a PM and VBrawl version.
If anything is missing, or doesn't work as intended, feel free to ask.
312 September 12th, 2021
Fate/Apocrypha Astolfo Model Import by Endersheep12345, Pokemaster Ely with credit to Kazoomageddon (Carter) for Stock Icon and Portraits ideas[Character - Texture, Import - Marth]
Edit 9/11/21: fixed download link
Yahoo! My name is Astolfo! My class is Rider! So, so…ermm, please take good care of me!
Rider of Black, Astolfo, one of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne joins Brawl!
Main Model: https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td30165
Face Model: https://www.deviantart.com/l1x3r/art/Astolfo-809842320
Enjoy the last day of 2019~
Yahoo! My name is Astolfo! My class is Rider! So, so…ermm, please take good care of me!
Rider of Black, Astolfo, one of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne joins Brawl!
Main Model: https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td30165
Face Model: https://www.deviantart.com/l1x3r/art/Astolfo-809842320
Enjoy the last day of 2019~
37 December 15th, 2019
7 Page Muda costume pack by Pokemaster Ely with credit to BraveDragonWolf, Velvetkitsune/Lillith, DSX8[Pack - Character]
a low effort pack of Jojo costumes for Lucas, Captain Falcon, and Ganondorf to recreate the 7 Page Muda scene from Jojo Vento Aureo, being Giorno Lucas, Golden Experience Captain Falcon, and Cioccolata Ganondorf. Ganondorf has a lot of problems but I didn't care because I just slapped him together for this meme.
160 December 9th, 2019
Brawlified Generations Sonic revamp by Pokemaster Ely with credit to PMDT, Shyguybuddy11, LXP team, Understudy, KTH,Nanobuds,LJSTAR, Wave Kusanagi, Flygon, Dmick, Mewtwo2000, ɴɪᴄᴋ, Smash 3C team[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Sonic]
174 November 16th, 2019
Tharja Model Revamp by Pokemaster Ely with credit to Kyouma/Gamidame_K and Disembowell[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Zelda]
I imported Tharja's FE Warriors face because the old face on this model didn't look good imo. I also removed the edge texture so the model isn't shiny. Sadly the Mismagius and Bikini alts did not want to cooperate with me importing the new head so those are not included, but I will try to make them later
148 October 30th, 2019
Smash Ultimate Error Sans & Papyrus/Starman Sans by Endersheep12345, Pokemaster Ely[Character - Texture, Import - Ness]
66 October 30th, 2019
Halloween Marth costume by Pokemaster Ely with credit to KoryTheMaril and CSProject[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Marth]
My submission for the Custom Brawl Modding server's Halloween contest. I used parts from a Halloween Mia model I found on DeviantArt and recolored the rest of Marth's clothes to match the Halloween theme.
The Halloween Mia custom model can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/simplyachair/art/Fire-Emblem-Halloween-Mia-Model-V-1-0-Download-769328998
The Halloween Mia custom model can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/simplyachair/art/Fire-Emblem-Halloween-Mia-Model-V-1-0-Download-769328998
586 November 18th, 2019
Sans Smash Ultimate Import by Pokemaster Ely, KorytheMaril, Endersheep12345 with credit to Dr. Flux for the original import[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Ness]
I love the way Sans Ultimate model's head looks. I think it looks better than the old head so I imported it. I think the body on Flux's import looks better though so I left it. but it comes with a more accurate jacket texture, since the once on Flux's is the wrong shade of blue. Comes with 3 versions, the normal default Sans, one with the Gaster Blaster, and a personal version with different textures by Endersheep. I definitely want to go back and make the rest of Flux's alts so look out for those.
227 October 21st, 2019
Re:Zero Rem and Ram Model Import by Endersheep12345, Pokemaster Ely with credit to icemega5 for original model, Lunoz for rigging it for Brawl[Character - Import - Zelda]
I like Re: Zero, so I decided to make these 2 models.
Original: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=213340
MMD Model: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im5939032
Original: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=213340
MMD Model: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im5939032
123 October 16th, 2019
Personal Chrom PSA by Pokemaster Ely with credit to Lillith/Velvetkitsune, Firelis, Remix Team, CaliburTek, MoeNDerrty, Large Leader, LXP Team, PMDT, Jaystring[Character - Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character]
272 August 18th, 2019
Awakening Sol Katti Lyn by tyleto, Pokemaster Ely[Character - Import - Custom Character]
410 August 25th, 2019
Peachette - Brawl Styled by Pokemaster Ely, Mr. DapperMan with credit to KoryTheMaril, CSProject, PMDT, and WarioTails[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Peach]
399 December 29th, 2019
4GO Nepgear PSA for PMEX by VirtualBeef, BraveDragonWolf, Pokemaster Ely with credit to BraveDragonWolf for the original PSA and imports, ely for additional recolors and importing the mk2 head onto the 4GO alts, soundsresource for the sfx used, CSProject used for rendering the cosmetics, JOJI for the soundbank and effect.pac expansion codes and their guides.[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import, Moveset (PSA) - Custom Character]
This PSA is BraveDragonWolf's 4GO Nepgear PSA ported over to PMEX fully with an expanded soundbank and gfx, also again changes side taunt to cycle through chibi versions of Nepgear, Neptune, Purple Sister and Nepgya with appropriate sfx.
It also includes fully rendered SD and HD cosmetics.
Requires the following codes:
- Effect.pac Roster Expansion System [JOJI]
- SoundBank Expansion System [JOJI]
Also includes some previous costumes from BraveDragonWolf's older Nepgear PSAs like the cosplay costume and recolors of Sailor Uniform Nepgear.
Nepgear's Soundbank ID is 0x000001F8
You can find these codes here: http://ssbbhack.web.fc2.com/
This download only includes PAC Files, due to me using the extremely useful no PCS Files code by DukeitOut:
[Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut]
* 0484CB40 60000000
If you find or experience any issues with this mod, Please PM me.
It also includes fully rendered SD and HD cosmetics.
Requires the following codes:
- Effect.pac Roster Expansion System [JOJI]
- SoundBank Expansion System [JOJI]
Also includes some previous costumes from BraveDragonWolf's older Nepgear PSAs like the cosplay costume and recolors of Sailor Uniform Nepgear.
Nepgear's Soundbank ID is 0x000001F8
You can find these codes here: http://ssbbhack.web.fc2.com/
This download only includes PAC Files, due to me using the extremely useful no PCS Files code by DukeitOut:
[Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut]
* 0484CB40 60000000
If you find or experience any issues with this mod, Please PM me.
153 July 20th, 2019
LXP Young Link with Mirror Shield and Gilded Sword by Pokemaster Ely, KorytheMaril with credit to Lillith/Kitsu, VirtualBeef, KTH, Char, Ubergruvin, LXP team, Moe Mac Cornick, CSProject, AlGeorgeRomo, SatoshiKura, Crixler, ledgerewskie, Layell, Aghanim, PizzaDog, Jigglypoof21, Xenthos, Tormod, Smash 3 Team, Draco, LinkTahuterasuSpirit, Skilarbabcock[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Custom Character]
Some things to remember before reporting:
Past Reports:
- Please read the rules regarding Brawl Vault and reporting.
- The following are examples of things that should be reported:
- Broken downloads
- Broken previews
- Credit issues (e.g. using someone else's work without credit)
- Usability issues (e.g. doesn't work).
- Censored nudity does not need to be reported.
- Reports should be clear. Don't write just "Sandbag"; explain the issue in full.
- Please do not report an already reported issue. The list of current reports on this hack is below.
Past Reports:
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Original functionality by picano (Anthony Ianacone), original design and graphics by Jack Harvest.
Redesign by Vyse, new graphics by SJS.
KittyCorp: MeowMix © 2010