« on: March 04, 2014, 07:43:19 PM » |
If you have any suggestions for changes to BrawlVault, or if you have any bugs to report, please post them here. If you're reporting a bug, please include a screencap, if possible, along with a description of your actions leading up to the error and which browser you are using. Posts about incorrect or rule-infringing reports no longer go here. For details on how to bring such reports to the attention of the BrawlVault staff, please see "Challenging Reports" in the "Reporting" section of the features list below. Thanks to SJS for providing all of the new graphics. Quick list of what's new: FeaturesFor brevity, I'll be referring to entries you submitted or on which you are listed as a collaborator as "entries you own." SearchingYou can perform simple searches of the Vault using the navigation bar at the top of each screen. For example, click "Characters," then Mario's icon to view all Mario mods. To perform more precise searches, click "Search" in the navigation bar. Here, you can specify exactly what you're looking for. In the "Entry Information" section, the "Exact" checkboxes next to each field will make the search match the contents of that field exactly. For example, entering "Final Fantasy" in the "Audio Source" box without checking "Exact" will return all audio mods whose sources are any game in the Final Fantasy series. When you select a type of entry on the search screen, depending on the type chosen, the list of subtypes may have "And" and "Or" radios next to it. For more information on this, click the  on the screen. While viewing the search results, you can change pages by clicking the numbers at the top or bottom of the page. You can change the sort order by using one of the three buttons (Alphabetical, Newly Added, or Downloads). You can limit the results to more recent entries using the dropdown to the right of the sorting options. Safe SearchToggle Safe Search using the button at the top of every BV screen. When this is on, all of your search results are limited to approved entries only. Viewing EntriesSubmittingThe submission process is largely unchanged from the previous version of BV, but I'll go into detail here for anyone unfamiliar with the process. To submit to BrawlVault, click this button, available in the navigation bar on any screen of BV:  Simply fill out the form on that screen with all the information about your mod and click Submit at the bottom to add your mod to the Vault. If your submission is successful, you will be taken directly to the entry on the Vault, and you can immediately start sharing the link wherever you want. Note that until your entry is approved by the Staff, it will be hidden from searches for any users who have Safe Search active, and it will be marked with this icon:  Note that you can lose your submission rights if you make too many submissions that violate the BrawlVault rules. Some details about specific fields: - Collaborated: Enter the names of other members to share download count and management rights for the entry with those members. Multiple names should be separated by commas. For more details, click the "?" icon on the submit screen.
- Credit: This is a free-form text box. You can enter whatever you like here; it has no special properties. Use this to credit anyone, including those who are not members of our community, with assistance, inspiration, or providing a basis for your mod. If you have a lot of people to credit, it may be better to include the credit in a text file in the download. If you are submitting a pack, a text file crediting the creators of all included mods must be in the download.
- Allow others to add images to this entry: This appears only for character and stage mods. Leave this box checked if you want to allow any member of the community to submit supplementary images (selection portraits, names, etc.) to use with your mod. Someone who owns the entry will have to approve any images added this way before they are visible to the public. If unchecked, entry owners will still be able to add images freely.
For more information, see "Images" in the feature list. - Does this entry desync wifi: As it says on the page, this lets users know if your entry causes issues online (not that this matters after May 20, 2014) if all participants don't have it. If your entry uses custom animations, bonesets, etc., then it will cause a desync. Audio and SFX mods will not. If you're not sure, simply select "Unknown."
- Info Text: Enter any extra information here. Link to your thread on the board if you have one, describe the source or inspiration behind the mod, anything you want.
- Previews: For more information on submitting proper previews for your entries, see the BrawlVault rules. Basically, you need up to three pictures or videos for anything except Audio or SFX, an easily accessible audio file or video for Audio, and a video for SFX.
EditingTo edit an entry, simply select "Edit" from that entry's Actions dropdown. You may edit only entries that you own. The edit page is identical to the submission page, with one addition: if the entry has any active reports on it, you will see something like the following:  Editing an entry no longer automatically clears its reports. In order to resolve reports on your entry, you must check their boxes before submitting your changes. When you submit your changes, a PM will be sent to all owners of the entry, excluding yourself, with details of what you changed. This information will also be visible in the entry's log. DeletingViewing LogsReportingReporting an EntryIf you notice something wrong with an entry -- broken download, broken previews, improper credit, etc. -- you can let the owner(s) know about the issue by reporting it. To do this, select "Report" from the entry's Actions dropdown. Note that making multiple reports that violate the BrawlVault rules can cost you your reporting rights. Describe the issue in the window that appears, taking care to not report an issue that's already been reported, click "Submit Report," and you're done. Viewing ReportsTo view reports on an entry, click the  under the entry's type line. If you don't own the entry, this icon will be visible only when the entry has active reports. Removing a ReportIf you own an entry, you can resolve reports on it by editing it. See "Editing" for more information. If you don't own the entry, you can challenge the report, and the Staff will resolve it. Challenging a ReportYou should challenge a report if you see an invalid one on an entry you don't own or if you see one that violates the BrawlVault rules, even if you own the entry and can resolve the report yourself. To challenge a report, click the  icon to the right of the report in question. The staff will be alerted and will take any actions they deem necessary. No further action is required from you. ImagesThis is a revamp of the portrait functionality of the previous BrawlVault. It has been expanded to include any kind of interface change that can be made, including names, stock icons, etc. You can add images to Character and Stage mods only. Adding ImagesTo add an image, select "Add Image" from the Actions dropdown. If you don't own the entry and the owners have disallowed adding images, this action will not be available. In the window that appears, select what type of image you're adding, paste a direct link (i.e. one that ends with an image extension, e.g. .gif or .png) to the image, and enter the image creator's name, if it's not you. Then click "Submit." If you're adding an image to one of your entries, the image will be approved automatically. Otherwise, the owner(s) will be alerted via PM that you've added the image, and they must approve it before it becomes visible to the public. Viewing ImagesTo view the images on an entry, click the  icon under the entry's type line. You can use the filter dropdown at the top of the window to show only images of the chosen type. Approving ImagesWhen viewing images for entries you own, unapproved images will have a  icon under them. You can click this to approve the image and make it visible to the public. Deleting ImagesWhen viewing images for entries you own or images you submitted, you will see a  icon under the image. You can click this to delete the image. RSS FeedRSS feeds are available for the Vault as a whole and for any specific user. To view and subscribe to the Vault feed, click the  button at the top of the Vault. To view a user's feed, click the  icon under the type line of any of that user's entries, or follow the link on that user's profile. Dynamic SignaturesBrawlVault can generate an image for you to use as a signature on this or any other forum. Use one of several provided images as a base or upload your own. Use various keywords to display your most recent mod, your total download count, and several other statistics, all of which will update in real time. To get started, click the  button at the top of the Vault.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 04:51:23 PM by Vyse »
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 08:23:11 AM » |
What about changing the currently useless 'most popular artists' with a new one? Something that shows who's had the most downloads in the last month or something like that. It's not that's much more useful, but at least it's more useful than seeing which people have 2-3 items with thousands of downloads and no other items apart from those.
Also, either revert the 10 most recent list to not list music, or make it somehow filter what kind of mods do you want to see in your 10 most recent display.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 08:26:42 AM by Mewtwo2000 »
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 08:29:24 AM » |
Also, either revert the 10 most recent list to not list music Whoops. Forgot that. Done now.
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2014, 08:43:20 AM » |
"Give Feedback" links to the old thread. 
Round and round the signature goes ~ ~ where it stops, nobody knows.
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2014, 08:52:18 AM » |
Is it me or it the site really slow now?
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2014, 08:55:15 AM » |
The site is extremely slow and laggy and when I click on the recently uploaded content on Brawl vault it doesn't send me to the mod it just sends me to the menu.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 06:29:00 PM by Mudkip97 »
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2014, 09:07:20 AM » |
Very slow for me too, and I cannot access the Vault at all...
I lost EVERYTHING from my DropBox storage due to the server crashing, so I no longer have my hacks on the Vault... Sorry! 
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2014, 09:15:48 AM » |
OK, direct links to entries work now.
As for the slowness, I'm aware, as it's pretty obvious. But I'm going to give it some time. It might be a coincidence, or the server might just need time to adjust. I don't want to be hasty and make unnecessary changes.
Edit: The slowdown seems to be gone for me.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 09:20:32 AM by Vyse »
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2014, 09:23:39 AM » |
Now only SFX hacks seem to be shown in the last 10 list.
Also, there's now no way to expand the lists? There was something before that allowed the lists to display an extended list, not just 10.
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2014, 09:25:36 AM » |
When editing a post I can't seem to find the option to change the image/thumbnail, it just ends after "download link"
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2014, 09:44:34 AM » |
Also, there's now no way to expand the lists? There was something before that allowed the lists to display an extended list, not just 10. It's the "See more stats" link, just like it always was. When editing a post I can't seem to find the option to change the image/thumbnail, it just ends after "download link" It's because of the slowdown, which apparently isn't gone yet. The request to the server is timing out, so it's not loading the details specific to whichever type (character, etc.) you've chosen. Keep trying.
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2014, 10:14:18 AM » |
UpdateIs it just me or does every youtube preview not seem to work(And if it is, pay me no mind  Works Now, looks awsome And also, thinking of the request of mewtoo2000, maybe you could change the top ten artists and change it for requests if posible.Sorry about that, kind of new here. Anyway looks great, feels great, good job 
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 07:37:05 PM by LuisBrawl »
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2014, 11:31:22 AM » |
Haven't had any problems yet, but I wanted to say how clean and fresh this Vault looks. Love that there's a section for custom characters (like for BrawlEx? Project: M Mewtwo hacks?)
Also, props to SJ for the sexy icons.
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2014, 11:42:09 AM » |
Is it just me or does every youtube preview not seem to work(And if it is, pay me no mind  ) Haven't seen any issues with that. And also, thinking of the request of mewtoo2000, maybe you could change the top ten artists and change it for requests if posible. Do you mean displaying the top ten requests or something? We don't track that in any way.