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7 October 21st, 2024

Mob Psycho x Smash Bros. Intros by Bellicosy with credit to Jaruis (of YouTube)
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

A collection of three Mob Psycho-Smash Bros. crossover intros traced by Jaruis. One of the images below links to his/her YouTube channel.
He/she very courteously features the following in the video descriptions:
"Feel free to share the video on other websites as long as you credit me or share the link; just don't reupload it as your own."
So I took it upon myself to chop them up and form THPs out of them.
They are formatted to be placed either over OPMovie or another thp of your choosing.

6 October 21st, 2024

SSBM How To Play 300 Parody Redone by Bellicosy with credit to xmanfit0, DynamicReality
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Remaking of DynamicReality's/xmanfit0's \"SSBM How to Play 300 Parody\". The original video was made back in 2007, so the quality is a little low and only suitable for small CRTs. I quickly remade it for fun and increased the quality somewhat. The video comes in two resolutions, matching the default resolutions found in the game files, one for PAL and one for NTSC.

The font used is not an exact match to the Melee \"How to Play\" video, but a reasonably close approximate - to purchase a licence for the font DF Gothic W10 is expensive. May not be suitable for small CRTs that trim a significant portion off the top of the screen.

54 July 13th, 2022

Super Smash Bros. Brawl REPAINTED Classic Mode Cutscene Pack by Bandana Dee is my son with credit to Legoluigi26
[Misc - THP (Video)]

SSBB Repainted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUmU0F0OsTY

This is an unofficial pack that adds new classic mode cutscenes for every character in the new repainted mod for Super Smash Bros Brawl. From Lincoln Loud to Mettaton EX, everyone is here!

Check back for more unofficial SSBBR updates in the near future!

182 May 20th, 2020

Ultimate Styled Intro - Super Smash Bros Brawl by yoshi_saur with credit to TIN gaming for the original video, Nintendo for the trailer videos
[Misc - THP (Video)]

A Ultimate-styled intro for Super Smash Bros. Brawl based off of TIN gaming's recreation of the Brawl intro. Check out his original video: https://youtu.be/Uf7wwimwbOY
This has only been tested in NTSC and on Dolphin.

I've fixed a few of the scenes and added more from recent Smash trailers, including the DLC character trailers. I also made variations with the announcer screams of Ultimate, 64 and DX (Japanese Melee) at the end. This goes well with the Smash Ultimate Title Screen which can be found here: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=218730

The File Patcher doesn't support THP files, so this must be applied into the ISO using Riivolution or WiiScrubber.

The Super Smash Bros. series and all its assets are owned by Nintendo.

184 December 11th, 2018

One Smash Man / New Project M Intro by tugfaenbaica
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

It took me a lot of time on the character frames and the general editing, and I couldn't even try it by myself because I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to make it work on Riivolution. Like the name sugests, the background music is the One Punch Man 1st opening (The Hero).

71 October 14th, 2018

Attack On Brawl NEW DOWNLOAD by SamuelUltimate with credit to Dittoconimposter For actually making the video
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Since this awesome THP download got token down and not got a new download since, i made a redownload! Take note that I DIDNT MAKE THIS Only this redownload, everything else credit to Dittoconimposter so yeah

pf/movie/ is where you put it
if it crashes the game make sure its actually a thp file and its name OPMovie.thp

45 October 13th, 2018

Mario And Kirby Super Star Legacy (Offical Opening) by SamuelUltimate with credit to To Kirbyfan9 for making an awesome intro for a awesome series
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Its the opening of Super Star Legacy! My 1st step into modding,
so i can make a opening for the old one but i dont really care, not tested on a NTSC Wii.

(Please go watch Super star legacy, its awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyxnnEKD7G8&t=1186s)

EDIT: Put it in,
PAL: RSBP/pf/Movie
USA: RSBE/pf/Movie
JAPAN: RSBJ/pf/Movie

For Riivolution only

EDIT 2: Dropbox is now the download

253 March 10th, 2018

SSB5 Trailer over How To Play by Mosaico with credit to NINTENDO BECAUSE IS FRINKING AWESOME
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]


42 September 26th, 2020

Epic Ganon, T-Rex Chuck Norris, Superman Goku-ness by Tyravisaurus, Mezo210 with credit to Me
[Misc - THP (Video)]

My images are not too large! I guess they may be a little too much for some people to handle ;) .Heres The Link to the Video, Enjoy

262 October 11th, 2016

Combo video opening for Project m by mnnaz05 with credit to Nephiros for the video I used the clips from
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

I though the intro needed more combos in it, so I made this.

62 April 13th, 2015

Mambostuck THP (request) by Cryo with credit to Andrew Hussie
[Misc - THP (Video)]

Happy 413!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw someone (slushymang) requested a Mambostuck intro so I decided to make it!

//I have no idea what I'm doing someone help me
//Also pretty lame for my first submission X-X

817 July 5th, 2014

Brawl Alternative Intro (Better Quality) by Sean_The_Squirrel with credit to smashbrosmix and Guichomingo
[Misc - THP (Video)]

I had to remake the whole thing from scratch with help from the Dolphin emulator. Now I can finally close this 3 year long project that has been eating up more than 200GB of my HDD.

335 April 30th, 2014

KILL la KILL 2nd Opening Cinematic by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

KILL la KILL キルラキル - Opening 2 - 720p HD
Song: Garnidelia - Ambiguous
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie
Good Quality

2440 July 8th, 2014

Super Smash Bros. x 進撃の巨人(Attack on Titan) Opening 2 by Luigifan141 with credit to AmazingArtistYellow
[Misc - THP (Video)]

EDIT: This THP will only work on NTSC versions of Brawl. It will lag if it's used on a PAL version of Brawl.

NOTE: This THP will not work with WiiScrubber, just as a heads-up. Riivolution is recommended.

I really wanted to use the Super Smash Bros. Attack on Titan animation as my opening, and viola! Just rename the file to "OPMovie", and you're all set! This will only work with Riivolution; THP files are not compatible with Gecko and the Project M Launcher. Enjoy!

214 January 27th, 2014

Modded All Star Intro by smallTime_Bmodder
[Misc - THP (Video)]

Modded Brawl Intro
Hope you all enjoy!
Rename DONE!.thp---->OPMovie.thp

Place pf/movies

202 January 25th, 2014

Project M Turbo Tuesdays Sonic by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Project M Turbo Tuesdays Sonic
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie

76 January 25th, 2014

Project M Turbo Tuesdays: Snake by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Project M Turbo Tuesdays: Snake
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie

210 January 25th, 2014

Project M at Apex 2014 by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Project M at Apex 2014
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie

437 January 29th, 2014

Super Smash Bros. Wii U Megaman Trailer by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Super Smash Bros. Wii U Megaman Trailer
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie
Good Quality

149 January 29th, 2014

Death Note 2nd Opening Cinematic by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Death Note 2nd opening
Song: Maximum The Hormone - What's Up People?!
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie
Good Quality

153 January 31st, 2014

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Opening 5 by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Opening 5.
Song: Rain by SID
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie

140 January 12th, 2015

WataMote Opening Cinematic by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

WataMote Full Opening Cinematic
Song:Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui
Artist: Konomi Suzuki and Kiba
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie
Surprisingly good quality.

377 January 29th, 2014

Attack on Titan Opening Cinematic by shonnh1
[Misc - Import - THP (Video)]

Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) Season 1 opening
Song: Crimson Bow and Arrow
Goes over Brawl's opening. Label the thp file "OPMovie" and place it in the movie folder. The movie folder should be located here on the sd card: private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/movie
Good Quality

257 November 8th, 2013

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Crossover by Kaaoeyi
[Misc - THP (Video)]

edit: increased quality slightly

114 July 23rd, 2013

Legendary madara Susanoo by Madara and Sasuke Uchiha, ItachiUchiha with credit to WiiflowTHPVideoConverter,and XkabiX
[Misc - THP (Video)]

XkabiX Made this video credit to him I just made it THP thank you for downloading.and here's his text.

Madara Uchiha (うちはマダラ, Uchiha Madara) was a legendary shinobi who led the Uchiha clan prior to, and after the formation of Konohagakure. After allying with his rival, Hashirama Senju and the Senju clan, he and his clan helped in the founding of Konoha.[2] After being reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi during the Fourth Shinobi World War, he becomes one of the major antagonists in the series.

Madara is considered by many notable individuals to be one of the most gifted shinobi in history and the most powerful shinobi that the Uchiha clan has ever produced. The fact that he fought and survived every battle he ever fought with Hashirama Senju, who was recognised as the strongest ninja in the world in his time, also indicates that Madara was also one of the strongest ninja of his time. Madara is able to control the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox using his dōjutsu. However, its sealing inside various jinchūriki, presently Naruto Uzumaki, has rendered him unable to summon the beast.[51] Madara was also noted to have been born with an extremely powerful chakra, even by the Uchiha standards,[3] which Kurama claimed to be far more sinister than that of its own.[52]
Overall, Madara's fame and status was so great that his name alone was enough to incite terror, and Tobi was able to use that to his advantage to instigate a world war.[53] Madara's very presence in the battlefield during the Fourth Shinobi World War was menacing enough to compel the five Kage to confront him together, feeling any less than their combined efforts would not be enough to stop Madara. He, in fact, proved to be so overwhelmingly powerful that he was able to overpower the five Kage multiple times by himself without even using the full extent of his powers and leave them in a state of awe and fear when he manifested his final Susanoo. Tsunade was so baffled by Madara's extraordinary prowess as a ninja that she questioned how it was possible that her grandfather had really defeated such an opponent in the past when they, the five Kage, couldn't do so in the present.[54] This testament to Madara's incredible power was later shown further when he managed to defeat all five of the current Kage at once by himself.[55]

Due to the manner of his revival and the experiments done by Kabuto, Madara retained access to abilities he obtained late in life (like his Wood Release and Rinnegan), while at the same time retaining the youthful body of his prime.[56] After activating the Rinnegan and using it in conjunction with his Susanoo, Madara's abilities led Gaara to wonder if he had the power of a god as he sent a meteorite hurtling towards the Fourth Division.[57]

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Original functionality by picano (Anthony Ianacone), original design and graphics by Jack Harvest.

Redesign by Vyse, new graphics by SJS.

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